BestStart Parkside

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Face drawings
Baby nest
Literacy corner
Environment 1
Environment 2
Environment 3
Family corner
BestStart Parkside provides quality childcare and education in a specially designed centre with separate nursery and preschool play spaces. We are conveniently located close to Christchurch Public Hospital and the Addington Business District and offer full-time, part-time and sessional (morning or afternoon) hours.

Our Happy Place For All

Our team of qualified teachers provide a beautiful environment that is welcoming, respectful, safe and fun for all children and families. The atmosphere is both calm and playful and children experience loving relationships with teachers and develop a strong sense of belonging and empowerment.

Our Nursery - Spacious, relaxed and inviting - Our nursery teaching team have created a calm, unhurried atmosphere where children are given full attention during those all-important routine times of eating, sleeping and nappy changing. By working at each child’s individual pace, we are able to ensure their ever-changing needs are nurtured. Careful consideration is given to the layout of the playroom so that infants and toddlers feel empowered to self‑select from the toys and many natural resources which are attractively displayed down at their level. Close relationships and open communication with parents means children’s individual routines are easily catered for within the flexible daily programme.

Our Preschool – Holistic development - Our preschool’s large open indoor and outdoor spaces allow for a variety of learning opportunities and experiences that challenge children in ways that support their holistic development. Our free play approach to curriculum and our planning support current research: children learn best when they are given the chance to take risks, have fun, embrace challenges and have the freedom to express their thoughts and emotions to gain competence in responding to the emotions of others. Every child is unique and needs acceptance and respect to develop their full potential. Our teachers are passionate about providing the best possible preschool experience for every child and their family. Children and their families are supported in preparation for their transition into primary school.  By offering a play based curriculum and a child-led environment, we can support children with their transition to school through our Be School Ready initiative. The initiative has been developed to ensure that children leave our centre as confident, capable learners with a strong sense of identity, having had many different experiences to prepare for the next step in their education journey.

Advantages of our mixed age classrooms - Our mixed age group classrooms allow children to interact and learn how to get along with peers of varying ages. This is a great opportunity for developing social skills and building confidence. Older children learn compassion, patience and problem-solving skills as they interact and assist younger children, while younger children will find themselves challenged by the older children and able to participating in more complex activities with their older peers.  Our teachers focus on the individual learning needs and skill levels of each child and proud for providing a tailored individual programme that celebrates diversity in a home-like environment.

Meal times - We provide healthy cooked lunches each day by our qualified chef on site. We can cater for allergies and special dietary requirements.

Our latest ERO report emphasised the following key messages:

Teachers know children well. They interact in positive, purposeful ways with children, parents and each other. Children are well engaged in their learning. They play together confidently and are respectful of each other and their environment. Children under two years of age receive good quality education and care. ERO observed routines and interactions that were calm, nurturing and supported infants and toddlers to explore the environment. Teachers enthusiastically celebrated children’s achievements. Transitions into and within the centre are well managed and flexible. The centre has good relationships with local schools.

For more information about the specific fees for your centre, please contact us directly (03) 365 7606 /  parkside@best-start.orgYou might be eligible for support paying their childcare fees. For more information click here

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Quality Service Award 2023

kind words from our parents


Thank you very much for all your hard work throughout the year. It’s great knowing that each day when I drop Isabella and Hamish off that they are in a caring and fun environment where they are happy and nurtured. We appreciate the influence you all have in their day to day lives as they continue to grow.


I am very happy with making the decision to have both my children at this preschool. They are growing so much socially and developing an independence and confidence in themselves. The facilities are very good, particularly the outdoor space and I have noticed the teachers involving the children with the new things they are bringing into different spaces such as the sensory wall outside and the large artworks inside. The teachers do a terrific job.


Thank you all so much for your wonderful care of Alex over the last four years. We have loved seeing him develop into the little boy he has, and thank you for all the opportunities you have provided, especially with his creative side.


Having my children enrolled at BestStart Parkside has been a very positive and rewarding experience for our whole family. The staff are always very happy and helpful and the kids look forward to seeing their teachers and friends on their preschool days. I think attending the centre has helped with their development in many ways including speech, learning about the world around them and how to interact and communicate with others in a respectful way.


Thank you all very much for all your help, thoughtfulness during our few months stay in NZ. We appreciate all the love and kindness you have given Callum and us.


Thank you so much for being such a wonderful part of Max and Zoe's childhood. You have all been so loving and involved with them, and we really appreciate the extra mile you all go.

Student parent from Japan

Thank you for the past 15 weeks. Kaede has really grown up. She remembers lots of words and she can speak a lot more English now. I worried about whether she would make friends but she made many friends and has been playing happily so I was really relieved. Thank you for looking after her, I appreciate your dedication.


Hattie loved her time with you. She's developed so much since starting. We'll be said to leave such a great team.


My daughter had an amazing time in BestStart Parkside, made some very good friends and lovely teachers who helped her to learn, grow and get ready for school. We would really like to thank you from bottom of the heart as you helped her to make amazing memories in preschool. She always loved her pre school and always use to be very excited to go. It is bit sad for her that due to changed circumstances (Lockdown) she couldn’t say goodbye to her friends and teachers. But I know she will always admire the time she spent with you all.


To all the amazing teaching staff, there are seriously not enough words to express how grateful we are to have been a part of your centre. Thank you for letting Riley into your lives - for all the love and care you have shown her daily. You are a special team and we will always be grateful for the years Riley spent here. We will miss you!


The teaching team at school met with us because they wanted to move Riley from the new entrant class into the year 1 classroom. They'd identified that her numeracy, literacy and social skills were more advanced than some of the other children in her class - something they accredited to her starting school with a sound basic understanding in those areas; thanks to the work you and the other teachers put into her be school ready initiative! Your efforts have really paid off and she is now a proud member of room 3 where she has fit in like she's always been there and is still thriving in a more challenging environment.


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