Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi
Here at BestStart Raureka, we believe that every child belongs in an environment that is warm, safe, friendly and inclusive, where they can develop meaningful friendships and learn at their own pace. We inspire our children to develop important skills such as self-regulation, confidence and to express themselves emotionally and creatively.
Our childcare centre is well established within the community and has been providing quality care and education for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years for the past 24 years. We are positioned on a large back section away from the hustle and bustle of the main road, with safe off street parking. Our environments have been carefully designed by our teachers to cater for all our young learners.
Nga Tipu (Seedlings) (Ages 0-2.5ys) - Our beautiful open plan room offers your baby a home away from home. It is filled with a range of thoughtfully selected resources, soft furnishings and calming colours. Care routines for your child are relaxed, responsive and respectful, allowing your child to develop trusting relationships with their teachers. Our peaceful nursery provides your baby with their own cot with fresh bedding, just like at home. Teachers also work closely with you to develop open and trusting relationships that ensure all your needs are a priority. When your child is ready, a care plan is introduced to help support them on their journey across to the Blossoms Room.
Nga Puawai (Blossoms) (Ages 2.5-6yrs) - Our dedicated and passionate team of teachers work collectively to provide your child with a safe and secure environment, where they feel warmth, dignity and respect.The learning environment is set up to encourage pockets of play, where children can choose to either play alone or in groups. Each of these areas provide many opportunities for your child to practice their communication, turn taking and problem-solving skills. Teachers create interactive learning opportunities, that follow your child’s individual interests and needs and your aspirations for their learning. Relationships (whanaugatanga) are a very important aspect of our centre's philosophy. We believe that building strong, respectful, meaningful relationships help to promote and support all learning within our centre. When your child is ready, educators will further support their learning by offering regular school visits with our local schools in preparation for the next step in their journey.
The children in Ngā Puawai have been very busy exploring their interests, skills, and knowledge in early literacy.