BestStart Riverbend Road

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BestStart Riverbend Road is nestled within the Onekawa community on Riverbend Road, right next door to St. Patrick’s School. We care for children from 0 to school ages and are open all year round.

Manaakitanga at the heart of our learning

At BestStart Riverbend Road manaakitanga is at the heart of our learning.  We take the time to know you and your child, as we believe in deeper relationships to support and strengthen our whānau community.  Children are encouraged to become confident learners who can work together during moments of discovery and learning, sharing the values of kindness, generosity and aroha.   

Kowhai Room (Infants) – Our Infant Room practices a Pikler inspired approach to education and care. We have a specially designed, nurturing infant nest for our youngest babies with secure indoor and natural outdoor discovery spaces. Infants have their own cherished area for sleeping. Every child has a Primary Caregiver, one teacher responsible for their important care moments like bedtime and nappy changes and who is a key contact for each family. Our calm, nurturing teachers develop strong, intimate relationships and attachments with each child and family.

Pohutukawa Room (Toddlers) – This is where tamariki explore and learn using all their senses. Together with our families we develop individual plans for each child supporting aspirations, learning and development. Our large playground offers opportunities to wonder at nature as well as to develop the physical skills that are so important for learning. We create a rich social learning environment that promotes independence, cooperation, friendship, exploration and curiosity in our children.

Totara Room (Young Children) - In our Totara Room the Be School Ready initiative helps us to prepare children for the next step in their learning journey. Through play, teachers support children to develop communication and social competence, maths and literacy, science and technology skills, as well as physical skills and knowledge about how to keep safe and healthy. Our visits to local schools also support children in their transition to school, they become familiar with the environment and the activities they will experience in the classroom.  Our teachers take a project approach to learning that encourages children to become confident learners through research and investigation.

We would love you to come and spend some time with us and see what we can offer you and your family.

Video Gallery

Making Memories at BestStart Riverbend Rd
Newsletter for BestStart Riverbend Road
Quality Service Award 2023

kind words from our parents


Thank you so much for looking after our little girl for the past 12+ months. She has learnt so much and she just loves going to daycare to play and see you ladies. I rave about your centre to all my friends.


It is absolutely clear that my daughter is learning more and more each day at school. The staff provide great support and patience with her.


The centre is lovely and well cared for, with a range of toys and learning activities that are age appropriate and engaging for the children. The staff are all very warm and welcoming which is essential when we are entrusting the care of our children for longer in a day than we see them during the week days. It is important to me my kids feel cared for and about and that has always been the case.


My daughter has been attending BestStart since she was 7 months. She is now 4 and a half. The teachers have been nothing but accommodating to her needs and have been upmost supportive of myself and my daughter.


What parents like the most is security and making our child/children comfortable, but of course happy. Thats what I thought the teachers at BestStart Riverbend Rd have given us and to my boys, they love it there.


BestStart Riverbend is a wonderful friendly home from home atmosphere. The teachers are very welcoming and are always there to assist you. My child has thoroughly enjoyed her day care experience and has grown more confident as she has learnt new skills and learnt alongside other children.


Meet the kaiako - Kowhai Room


Meet the Kaiako - Pohutukawa Room
