Pink Shirt Day 2024

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For Pink Shirt Day 2024, our kaiako and tamariki at BestStart Buchanans Road spent the week baking over 200 cookies to donate to our local community pantries as a way of showing kindness, care and respect for others in our community. All of the rooms right from the Nursery through to the Prep Room got involved in this massive undertaking. We baked and then wrapped our cookies with love and then some of our wonderful tamariki, with support from their whānau, took them and delivered them to our local community food pantries. 

We asked our families to send us photos of the tamariki delivering the cookies and it was beautiful to see these coming through, especially all the smiles of pride! The tamariki demonstrated manaakitanga, showing kindness and generosity, with their enthusiasm to donate the cookies to others and it was a great adventure and team effort between kaiako and whānau to find all our local food pantries so we could share the love around several different local locations! 

This experience embodied several key elements of our centre philosophy, by inviting whānau contribution as we worked together with our whānau to provide a sense of belonging and connection for our tamariki, not only to our centre but also within our wider community.