​ Celebrating the Olympics in the Preschool

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Over the past couple of weeks, our group focus has centred around the Olympics. The children have been learning lots of new sports/events such as volleyball, netball, shot put, gymnastics and long jump. We also made gold medals out of salt dough that we later won in some running races.  

The children have enjoyed watching short clips of athletes competing in these Olympic events. The video clips have supported the children to understand the event through demonstration.  

We have also been learning about other countries that participate In the Olympic games. We have watched different nationalities compete, discussed different countries, and created flags from around the world. 

The children have had lots of fun learning alongside the Olympics. They have learnt and practiced new skills, learnt about different countries, and spent time encouraging and praising each other for their efforts. They have gained confidence and control in their bodies and are becoming increasingly capable of challenging themselves.