Our cook, Tanya has been working hard towards achieving our Healthy Heart Award.
Ngā tamariki love to build with many different types of resources here in the centre
Our tamariki had the best time exploring and experimenting with water, ice and nature!
On Tuesday 14th February we celebrated Valentine’s Day and our Big Heart Day for our village.
BestStart Kamo Central have been lucky enough to be involved in a pumpkin growing competition!
Wow, January has been such an exciting month with our holiday program in full swing!
We have a new interest in the preschool room at BestStart Halswell Road
In the last few weeks we've had swan plants and Monarch caterpillars in the prep room
Children are encouraged to create and act on their own ideas, develop knowledge and skills in areas...
This is some of the fun things that we have been up to in the nursery at Barrington recently.
Our Pukeko Nest is a space for up to 15 under two year olds and 7 over two year olds
We visit The Bayview rest home monthly
There are so many benefits of water play for your child
Our dedicated teachers meet the Kelvin Grove Grizzly Bears and their whānau down at the field
Teachers in our nursery work closely alongside tamariki and their whanau ensuring their needs are me...
February was an exciting month at BestStart Weymouth, our big event being the Big Heart Day! Ou...
Enjoy this small blog from last week as our Kauri tamariki are becoming confident and capable learne...
Today the children decided to do some beautiful collaborative art for Waitangi Day
Introducing children to new water-related textures (slippery, slimy!) and temperatures can be an ama...
At BestStart Hei Hei we acknowledge and celebrate all the treasures that have been passed down throu...
When the weather is sunny, we enjoy a treat from our playground garden
At BestStart Pukuatua we are the leaders of our own learning, we plan our learning around your child...
Our most enjoyed holiday activity was our big trip to the zoo
Lincoln has a wealth of amazing natural resources and experiences right on the centre’s doorstep
Our children have been interested in fire safety lately
In the Wheke room we love to get out in the sun in summer and keep cool with Korikori Wai (water pla...
Our little athletes gave it their all as many of their parents watched on
At Beststart Rangiora we take play seriously!
The benefits of spontaneous play and what learning evolves from imagination
We've had a brilliant start to the year as we ventured to our local school Waimairi Primary
In the infant and toddler room tamariki have the opportunity to experience paint in numerous ways