16 Areas of Play at BestStart Cambridge!


At Beststart Cambridge we strive to meet all the 16 areas of play. Within these areas, we are able to explore different ways of expressing our inner superhero’s. In our preschool room we have started exploring with baking, science and clay.

This has been a big hit with our tamariki. They have been able to learn math skills by measuring with numbers, social skills by turn-taking as well as basic hygiene. All these put together create a recipe to make their baking perfect. 

Through science we were able to explore what happens when we add different components to each other. This is able to prompt questioning by observing the cause and effect of each experiment. 

By using clay, the tamariki are able to manipulate the clay into anything that their imagination takes them. Clay is also good for learning about texture, temperature, creativity and social skills. B

y exploring the 16 areas of play, the tamariki are learning hand-eye coordination, balance and manipulation, turn taking, fine motor skills, cause and effect and so much more. Including all these areas of play into our daily planning provides so many more opportunities for tamariki. This gives them all something that they will gravitate towards and enjoy through their play.