A glimpse into our library!

3 October, 2024
BestStart Rongotai
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Kia ora katoa!  Listening to a story develops listening skills, social skills and focus. It also enhances children's vocabulary, understanding and language. These are the things that we aim as we integrate storytelling in our daily activities.

It fuels our tamariki's love for reading, creativity and imagination. Allowing them to participate in the story boost their interest and builds their excitement of having their turn. It is something that everyone enjoys regardless of their age and learning ability. The video shows how our tamariki engaged and enjoyed a story in our library. 

Our library is a calm and quiet dedicated space to enjoy books, stories, or simply regulating big emotions when they have one. The story being read is 'Just One more Tickle' by Sam Mcbratney. They were able to sit in a group, pay attention and focus as well as participate and exercise taking turns. They really enjoyed having the opportunity to tickle the little nut brown hare. This provided opportunity for the them to follow routines, expand their vocabulary, use their imagination and creativity. It is always fun to play and learn with our friends. 

The smiles, laughter and happiness we had in our library is priceless!

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