A Special Morning Tea!

BestStart Foxton Beach Kindy
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In remembrance of one of our BestStart founders Chloe Wright, we celebrated by making Chloe's favorite Lemon Cake recipe to have for morning tea.

Together tamariki worked, measuring ingredients, cracking eggs, pouring, mixing and making little cakes to share with our friends. Baking is something we often do at BestStart Foxton Beach, it is one of the ways that we show manaakitanga to our friends, by being kind and hospitable by making yummy kai to share. 

We could smell the cake's cooking, and soon they were out of the oven, cooling down. The next job was to carefully decorate with a little lemon icing and flowers gathered from the garden. Tamariki took great care, icing the cakes and arranging the flowers to present for morning tea. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to serve themselves with the tongs, carefully choosing a cake to eat. Together with delicious fresh fruit, we had a lovely remembrance morning tea. 

Working alongside tamariki in this way is one of the ways that we celebrate special occasions. Tamariki are also learning about contributing to a group activity, turn-taking, and early maths and science concepts through measuring quantities and turning liquid to solid.

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