A Successful Preschool Production: The Three Little Pigs


Over the month, our BestStart Dannemora preschool room has been buzzing with excitement as our tamariki worked on a special production of The Three Little Pigs. Our preschoolers participated in a variety of activities related to this beloved classic story, fostering their creativity, imagination, and language skills. 

Our children were deeply engaged in brainstorming ideas for the pigs' houses, collaborating to design and bring their ideas to life through drawings and discussions. This hands-on approach encouraged them to retell the story in their own words, further developing their literacy and comprehension skills. The production itself was a huge success! 

Our tamariki, alongside their room teachers, worked together to create the "house" used in the play, and several children volunteered to take on the main characters. It was heart-warming to see how involved and enthusiastic everyone was, working together to bring the story to life. Beyond being a fun and memorable experience, the production also played an important role in preparing our children for primary school. It allowed them to practice essential skills such as following instructions, communicating ideas, and working together in a group setting. 

This project truly highlighted our children’s potential, their ability to collaborate, their growing confidence, and their enthusiasm for learning!