Action in the sandpit

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This week at ABC Waterview we have been very busy, especially in the sandpit. On Monday we made a construction site. The children used cones, caution tape, temporary fencing, trucks, rocks, water and their imaginations to create their own space. This was such an awesome experience full of fun and learning and we even had some construction noises on in the background. The children were all engaged in sustained play and were able to continue developing their social competencies. The teachers put out minimal resources to encourage the children to work together, co-operate, negotiate and problem-solve. We saw many children encouraging and helping one another and although we had some conflicts they were able to resolve these easily through problem-solving and communicating their feelings to each other. We were very proud of our tamariki! 

We have added water to our sandpit each day so that the children can make full use of the new mud kitchen. Kaitlyn and Mikayla's Dad Jean was kind enough to whip this together for us at our working bee by reusing our old park bench that was falling apart. The children absolutely love this new addition to the environment and are busy most of the day cooking and baking all kinds of gourmet foods. Thanks Jean for your amazing contribution! 

Pipes have also become a big hit in our sandpit. The tamariki love to connect and create water features with them. Such a lot of conversation and problem-solving goes into this process and we can see some amazing leadership qualities coming out in our pre-schoolers.

Tino pai tōu mahi ABC!