AHOY THERE!!! It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

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Aarghh, me hearties and shiver me timbers, what a fantastic Pirates Day our mini swashbucklers had this month rollicking about on the ‘SS BS Bay Kindy’.

We raised the Jolly Roger, made maps and searched for buried treasure, traversed the seven seas, dove to the depths of Davy Jones Locker, sought shelter in Mermaids Cove, rowed dinghies through shark infested waters, sang sea shanties, told mariners tales of long ago, hoisted our sails and followed our compass.

Some swabbed the decks, some fired canon balls and some of our pirates even walked the plank. We fished, we danced, we pillaged and plundered. But mostly, mostly, we had a sea ship full of laughter and all got very, very wet!!!

We used our creativity, imagination, communication and social skills extensively to make incredible connections and discoveries and to work together on many challenges.  We dressed up and balanced, ran, climbed and jumped. We splashed. A lot! We wrote and drew, used simple math, designed, built, created and experimented. We played and we learnt.

We also made connections to our traditional legends and spoke of Waka, Maui, Pania, Tangaroa, Taniwha and giant Te Wheke and so much more relating to Aotearoa and our Tauranga Moana.  

We had a ‘whale of a time’!

Thank you to everyone who came along and participated in pirate day and in our other activities this month. And a big cheer to our incredible whanau and tamariki Pirates, for making September another wonderful month in our 2019 calendar. We’re looking forward to exciting more days as summer approaches. 

Yo-ho, me hearties!