April highlights

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What an awesome month we had at BestStart Pukuatua - here are some of the highlights:

Fireman Gary and all his friends came to see us! We got to show them how awesome we were at a fire drill from the practice we had recently as a centre. Fireman Gary was soooo impressed with how we listened to instructions and walked calmly to the evacuation point. We were impressed with how quickly Fireman Woody got his overalls, jacket, helmet and gloves, ready for a fire. This captivated us and enabled us to connect with past experiences-from seeing a fire truck whizz by, to seeing one up close. We got to climb up high to sit in a fire truck, where we high 5 to Fireman Woody.

Qusadilla day was a huge success! The Tarawera Ruma had fun preparing, making and eating thir yummy lunch today! It involved a lot of turn taking, following instructions and collaborating; it was also a great way to work on something together and promoted a sense of togetherness and whanaunhatanga. Big thank you to Leandro's familia for providing those excellent tortillas and guacamole! We really appreciate your help!

Movie Day finally arrived in the Tarawera Ruma! We had been using acorns to vote for one of 4 holiday activities that we wanted to do as a room. Movie day won, and to top off all the learning around voting and fairness, we even voted on which movie to watch (minions came in on top). This learning activity has been a way to reinforce respectful behaviors (being a kind friend, helping etc were ways to earn acorns), to work together as a group, diplomacy, counting, and establish that sense of whanaungatanga and community in the Tarawera Room! Ka pai, tamariki! What a well earned treat! 

The Okareka and Rotoiti room went to Kuirau Park. We all ran across the field (and pass a BIG yellow digger) to the playground. It was a great way to challenge and enthral the children’s understanding and thinking with all the climbing and swinging that was had. There was lots of hungry tummies afterwards, so we had a picnic at the park and watched the seagulls eat the leftovers. That was very funny to watch!