At BestStart Parklands we value to importance of ensuring we cater for the 16 areas of play for nga tamariki (children). This can be show cased in the fun activities and experiences we have utilising these areas in our Pre School and Nursery environments.
Nga tamariki learns best when they have the space, time, and support from kaiako (teachers) and whānau to explore, experiment and try things out.
Kaiako consistently facilitate the environment with resources and equipment in areas such as:
- Music and dance
- Puzzles
- Blocks
- Sensory baskets and manipulative resources
- Clay and play dough
- Collage, messy play, painting and drawing
- Water, sand, and Carpentry
- Physical play
- Family and dramatic play
- Books/ storytelling and props
Go to for more information and videos about the 16 areas of play and how they support your child's development.