Ballet at Palm Springs

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Here at BestStart Palm Springs our tamariki enjoy Ballet lessons every Tuesday morning with their teacher Miss Caroline from Papamoa Dance Studio. We do termly enrolements for ballet classes and the classes take a break during the school holidays. We have a closed off area in a classroom where these lessons take place so the children have full focus. 

They have lots of fun little activities to do during their lessons to encourage them to pick up the basics of ballet.The girls love developing their talent and skills as they learn twirls, spins, and ballet feet. We are building relationships within our community and finding new ways to celebrate culture within our centre. Our Whanau appreciate the opportunities we bring to the centre, and are keen to involve their children in activities like ballet. The children always enjoy their lessons and cannot wait for their teacher to arrive.

The photos speak for themselves as you can see their happy smiley faces while following their instructions. We love providing different extra curricular activities for our children to do in our centre. It is so delightful to watch the children try new activities, watch their confidence grow and foster their independence.