Tēnā koutou katoa. At Tauranga Central we are currently immersing ourselves in the enriching concept of Kaitiakitanga.
We are engaging in learning about guardianship and caring for our environment and its people. We have been using local pūrākau (origin stories) and related intentional teaching experiences and spontaneous learning moments, to understand our connection and responsibility to the whenua (land) and to its creatures.
Our guinea pigs, frogs and fish are a very important part of our centre whānau, and we have been focusing on how and why we respect and care for them. Tamariki have also been working on keeping our spaces clean and tidy, so that our environment is pleasant and inviting, and a source of pride for our centre whānau. In further developing our Kaitiakitanga focus, we are also learning more about the concept of manaakitanga (hospitality, caring and kindness).
Tamariki are discovering the importance and rewards of caring for others and treating others with respect and kindness - cultivating a sense of whānaungatanga (kinship) and shared responsibility for our centre community. It has been rewarding as kaiako to experience our tamariki taking on the responsibilities and kaupapa (principles) of manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga with such enthusiasm and positivity.