Exploring Alphabet through Play

19 March, 2024
BestStart Tory Street
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It has been so exciting for our tamariki at Best Start Tory Street to explore the letters of the alphabet integrating the different areas of play. We have focused on our whānau aspirations and the interest of the tamariki which focuses more on language and communication. 

Our centre has a very rich multicultural diversity, and language has a significant impact for their children’s development. Thus, the team came up with introducing a focus alphabet, integrating the areas of play for children to engage with. Tamariki have been immersing themselves actively in different enjoyable context based on their current interests. 

For instance, setting up a hands-on sensory activity to discover texture, exploring letter ‘Dd’ and its beginning vocabulary like ‘Digging Dirt’. Expressing creativity through mixing colours and painting ‘Daisies’ and practice tracing upper and lower case letters using the ICT. Singing a song/rhyme like ‘10 little Fishes’ to explore letter ‘Ff’ and observing ‘Flowers’ and its parts through magnifying glass. 

Tamariki enjoyed creating a craft of a Jellyfish, exploring its body parts, and demonstrating how it moves and swims in the sea. These are just some of the ways that tamariki have been engaging in playful and meaningful ways. We have also included singing alphabet songs with its letter sound, example words and sign language which have created lots of interactions and learning while having fun. 

We are so glad with how our tamariki are responding positively to the activities planned and set up within the environment. It shows in how excited they are when they arrive in the center, happy and ready to join in, checking out what’s on the table or around the environment.

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