At BestStart Seymour Road Kindy, we believe in active exploration across all 16 areas of play. We strive to provide a variety of learning opportunities for tamariki to achieve the best learning outcomes.
Our tamariki engage in collaborative play, as they explore all 16 areas of play and develop their social skills, as they indulge in turn-taking, sharing, and effectively communicating with one another.
We love working together in the sand-pit, and vegetable garden and enjoying water play, especially in the warmer weather when we can get out the water sprinkler. Other areas of play, music, and dance, is one of our favorites, and you will often find us having fun disco days or concerts at Kindy. We value the importance of physically active play in children's development and organize events and plan activities to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Yoga, sports days, races, and other outdoor games are a regular part of our daily routine.
Our tamariki have been invigorating each other's creativity and demonstrating excellent mahi tahi (teamwork) as they explore other areas, such as painting, creative arts, carpentry, blocks, as well as pretend/dramatic play. Our tamariki exhibit great perseverance and determination to confidently and competently engage in manipulative play, solve puzzles, and learn about science and nature. We acknowledge the importance of sensory stimulation in tamariki learning moments and incorporate messy play, clay and playdough, sensory baskets, and reading in our curriculum. We have created a quiet space (Rangimarie) for tamariki to self-regulate and enjoy their space if and when needed.
All the kaiako at Seymour Road Kindy work in collaboration to support tamariki in their learning journeys to help them learn and grow into competent and confident life-long learners.