In our preschool children learn a lot through projects. One of these projects was learning about flight.
As well as learning about, fuselage and wing spans they also got to go on an excursion to the airforce base at Ohakea. The children absolutely loved doing this, the bus ride and hoping into a real life helicopter were some of the highlights.
Teachers found lots of different ways to support children in their learning about flight, one of these fun ways was making plane's out of boxes. The children all joined in helping to create their plane and then took them for a ride around the bike track outside.
Creativity is an important way for children to express themselves freely and to be a part of a team. They learn about different art media, problem solving and taking turns. We are living our vision of Growing a community as we make links with new people in our community to support and learn from as well as honoring the important relationships of those within our whānau community we already know.
The children are taking this project in different directions as they think of new things they want to learn about, the next question they are finding out about is around flight of birds/animals. What could be next??