Game Time At BestStart Raumati

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Here at BestStart Raumati our tamariki eagerly look forward to 'Game Time' sessions with Coach Mattie on a Monday morning. Tamariki sit on a coloured spot and listen as Coach Mattie outlines the plans and instructions for each of the games or activities. 

These fun games, focus on improving tamariki fundamental skills, such as jumping, throwing, running and catching through fun and imaginative games. These activities and games also incorporate specific skills from sports such as basketball, football, rugby, netball, hockey, tennis and cricket, to name just a few..........all this learning, plus a lot of fun and laughs. 

It has been great having so many of our tamariki take part in 'Game Time' sessions each week and to see how over time tamariki are learning to take part, follow a sequence of instructions and build on and develop skills that will support later learning such as reading, writing, maths and social skills. 

Here at BestStart Raumati our 'Game Time' sessions link to our curriculum strand of 'Exploration,' which is about supporting our tamariki to explore, learn from, respect and make sense of their world. Their exploration involves all aspects of the environment, such as natural, social and physical. Tamariki learn through their mahi, by doing, asking and answering questions, interacting with others, devising theories about how things work and then trying them out and by making purposeful use of resources. 

As they engage in exploration, they begin to develop attitudes and expectations that will continue to influence their learning through out life.