Learning through Manaakitanga


Our centre vision of being a place to Explore, Discover and Learn is coming to life this year through our centre priorites of Whaunaungatanga, whakamana, Mana Whenua and building our sense of manaakitanga here at BestStart North Road as we play, explore and learn together building on the ako | knowledge we already have and sharing this knowledge with those around us. Manaaki is derived from the word mana, meaning authority or prestige, and aki meaning to encourage or induce. Therefore, manaaki is the act of lifting and supporting those around you. Manaaki is another trait of Māui who, while lifting his own mana, also ensured that his people would benefit, for example, by hiding the ability to make fire in different trees. Te Whāriki discusses manaakitanga in relation to kaiako showing care as well as teaching tamariki to care for others and to care for their environment. Many of the tamariki are working towards learning goals of building social skills, turn taking, and working together, this centre priority of manaakitanga supports their journey . The Kaiako have been putting together weekly video for whanau showcasing the learning that is happening here throughout the weeks and the links to learning for our tamariki.