Making a Pareu kiri'au


Kia Orana This week we are learning about a beautiful Island called Cook Islands and the beautiful language to help us celebrate Cook Island Langugae week. Today the teachers showed the children some cultural clothing which is worn during a cultural dance. The children then decided to make a lovely skirt called pareu kiri'au. They brainstormed what they could see on the skirt (pareu kiri'au) which the people of Cook Islands wore while dancing. They noticed the skirt (pareu kiri'au) had flowers and was all cut up long ways. Each teacher decided to have a different station for each step to create a skirt. One station was creating the flowers out of paper and collage items, the other station was for colouring the skirt and the next station was cutting out the skirt to create a flax texture to it. Each station gave children the opportunity to not only be creative but to develop their fine motor skills and hand eye co ordination when using the scissors. After making the skirt all the children were able to try their pareu kiri'au skirts and dance to Cook Island music. Great way to learn about another culture is to dress up and dance to music.