Matariki at Preschool Palmerston North

26 July, 2024
BestStart Palmerston North
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We celebrated Matariki in our Preschool room with daily activities which represented the nine starts of Matariki.

For example star Waitā which represents fresh water we made raindrop shapes with pictures of our fresh water creatures pasted on them, we also did a science experiment and made rain in a jar. 

To acknowledge the star Pōhutukawa which is connected to those who have passed on, we created a remembrance tree. Tamariki pasted on photos of their loved ones who had passed on then added their special hand print beside their photo. We acknowledged start Tupuārangi which is linked to berries and fruits that are harvested from trees by making fruit smoothies for morning kai. 

We also made and decorated Matariki stars using some recycled materials. Weaving was a fun activity, we used Māori design strips of paper and made small place mats. We played board games and cards all linking with our Matariki planning. We finished our Matariki teaching and learning with a soup and bun evening for all our Preschool Whānau. Tamariki helped each other make yummy vegetable and pumpkin soup which we all enjoyed. This was an awesome way to celebrate Matariki together as a Preschool whānau.

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