Matariki Celebrations and making memories

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Matariki celebrations are a special occasion for BestStart Onehunga, providing a wonderful gateway for tamariki to explore deeper learning and discussion about the Māori New Year. 

Tamariki listened to stories about the history of Matariki, sang their favourite Matariki waiata, created kites, stars and traditional Māori head dress and made lanterns and enjoyed Koru art to celebrate Matariki. We also talked about Maui and other Māori legends, and learnt about the vegetables we used to prepare our delicious harvest celebration soup. Tamariki discussed the vegetables they were helping to prepare and shared which vegetables they eat at home. 

Everyone enjoyed the delicious soup they had created, and discussed the vegetables they could taste. Matariki celebrations provide opportunities for tamariki and kaiako to reflect on Te Ao Māori and its importance in our lives. Our tamariki learnt the names of the nine Matariki stars and discussed the importance of families and friends in our lives. Using our local curriculum design policy, our tamariki learn the links between the history and traditions of Onehunga while respecting our daily rituals. 

Children gain a sense Whanaungatanga, through these Matariki celebrations at BestStart, Onehunga, by honouring our past history and celebrating our present learning about Māori culture. Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori.