Meet the BestStart Queenstown Team!

Welcome to BestStart Queenstown! 

Our centre is located right in the heart of Queenstown, the adventure capital of New Zealand! With paragliders floating down from the mountains above us, we pride ourselves on offering a learning environment that suits the adventurous spirit of our tamariki. Our centre community reflects the diverse community of Queenstown, with our team including teachers from New Zealand, England, Ireland, China, Argentina, the Philippines and Malaysia. 

We value the deep-rooted relationships we have built with each other and families, that together make up our wonderful BestStart Queenstown whānau. Each of the team brings their own wealth of knowledge and experience to share with our tamariki and we cherish these opportunities to learn about different cultures from around the world. Our centre priorities of Relationships, Respect and Communication are at the heart of everything we do and so you can see, hear and feel these as you walk around the learning environment. 

From our smallest pēpi to our oldest Matakauri tamariki, we provide a safe and nurturing environment where our tamariki have the best opportunity to fulfil their learning potential and develop life-long skills. If you are interested in learning more, we encourage you to come in and visit our centre, and meet our wonderful team and children!