Messy Play with Gloop

Messy play is one of the most popular activities at all times. Messy play gives children the opportunity to experience a wide range of sensory experiences. 

Messy play solutions such as finger-paint, slime, and gloop give children opportunities to learn about different textures and materials. Here at BestStart Lakeside, GLOOP is the most famous provocation that our tamariki loves to play and explore. How do we make gloop? It is so easy, we mixed the cornflour, food coloring, and water together until it became sticky and runny! 

Messy play is relaxing and soothing and can bring children to an awareness of being calm and relaxed. Feeling calm helps children to have a clearer mind which aids positive thinking, concentration, memory, and decision-making. Relaxation slows our heart rate, reduces our blood pressure, and relieves tension. 

Exploring through messy play supports learning across all the strands of Te Whāriki. In particular, messy play supports the Communication strand, where children discover and develop different ways to be creative and expressive. Messy play might also support children’s development in the Exploration strand, where children gain confidence in and control of their own bodies, including active exploration with all the senses and the use of tools, materials, and equipment to extend skills. 

Messy play materials provide satisfying sensory experiences that can stimulate emotional well-being. Messy play experiences are often enjoyed as a group and they support the Contribution strand by providing opportunities for children to work with and alongside others.