Our Centre Philosophy at BestStart Fairy Springs

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Here at BestStart Fairy Springs, our focus areas for our Centre Philosophy are Tuakana-Teina, Manaakitanga, Imagination, Independence and Individuality. From the moment each child enters our Centre each day they are welcomed into a learning environment that provides both the activities and resources supportive of our Philosophy. 

Each of our children are allocated a Profile Teacher who supports their learning through working in partnership with whanau to create a learning goal to support both whanau aspirations and each child's individual interests and new emerging interests. We document both learning moments as they occur and summaries of learning progress on a regular basis, through Storypark (an application that allows both teachers and our whanau to access). 

This is a fantastic way of communicating what's happening within the Centre and how we are supporting learning goals. More importantly, it allows us to show whanau what their child is learning throughout their day in the Centre. It even provides an opportunity for whanau to share stories and photos of events from home. The best part is that Storypark accessibility remains even when the child leaves the Centre. 

Looking for an Early Learning Centre? We invite you to visit us here at BestStart Fairy Springs so that we can show you not only our Centre, but discuss with you further how we can support your child's learning journey.