Our Localised Curriculum

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Over the last year, Beststart Paraparaumu has been working hard to develop and implement a new localised curriculum that incorporates our local pūrākau and environment. This has seen a huge transformation within our centre and our individual classrooms. 

We are using the pūrākau of Te-Rau-o-te-Rangi, The swimmer, to lead our curriculum. Her dispositions and legend are being woven through our rituals, documentation and routines which will evolve as time progresses. 

Another result of our transformation is renaming our rooms to reflect some significant plants surrounding us. Our pepi room (under two’s) is called Harakeke. Just like the young shoots of the Harakeke, our pepi are surrounded and supported by, kaiako, whānau and family. 

The toddler room (2-3 year olds) is called Toe Toe which is after the abundant Toe Toe along the beach front where Te-rau-o-te-Rangi swam to. 

The preschool room (3-5 year olds) is called Pōhutukawa for the Pōhutukawa that lines our road, providing strong shelter and ataahua. 

All three names signify the growing independence of the different age groups. This has been an exciting journey of learning for everyone involved with BestStart Paraparaumu, kaiako, tamariki, parents and whānau. We are all looking forward to the legend of Te-Rau-o-te-Rangi becoming embedded in everything we do.