Our Mindful Yoga session at BestStart Albany


At BestStart Albany, we have introduced a new calming ritual to help children learn how to self-regulate their emotions and body through doing Yoga sessions. We have reached out to develop them holistically focusing on the whole child. 

Yoga, as you may know, offers a wealth of physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits for children. With hearts brimming with anticipation, we embarked on our yoga journey. From stretching arms wide to gentle twists, bending gracefully from side to side, and widening and gathering legs to stretch their bodies high, our tamariki performed a series of movements. They transitioned into cat and cow poses, followed by cobra, and continued with other poses. 

Throughout each movement, our little ones’ eyes shone with focus as they mirrored my motions, infusing the room with a peaceful ambiance. Beyond the physical benefits of enhanced flexibility, balance, and growth promotion, the act of observing and mimicking these movements fosters not only concentration but also cultivates body and brain coordination. 

This holistic approach to yoga not only nurtures physical well-being but also promotes emotional recognition and regulation, instilling a sense of resilience within our tamariki. Of course, we respect the diverse interests of all our tamariki, and some friends chose to observe from the sidelines or engage in alternative activities, honoring the individuality of each tamaiti in our care. 

Our weekly yoga sessions will continue to serve as a part of our program, aimed at nurturing the emotional well-being of our tamariki. To our incredible tamariki, you exceeded all expectations, and we couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you!