Our Rocket Ship

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We entered into the month of March with a little bit of uncertainty due to the lockdown in the first week, however, we were very lucky to come out of that lockdown very quick. 

As an extension to our children's interest in the transportation and to extend their curiosity about how things work we decided to assemble our rocketship along with the children. Children really enjoyed helping to open the box, holding the screws and parts, being responsible for looking after the parts, taking turns to screw the screws, watching the parts putting together and learning the trial and error by trying to fix the different parts by themselves and then asking for help. We talked about the rocketship at mat time and how it works. 

Children were able to develop their confidence by giving the authority, their communication skills as we talked about different words such as rocket ship, astronaut, blast off, screws etc. We noticed that during this month our toddlers showed a great interest in arts and crafts. We even used the bubble wrap from the rocket ship for children to paint thier own rocket ships teaching an introduction about the reuse and recycle. Arts and craft activities foster communication, listening, attention, and imagination. 

These experiences can support wellbeing of children, expressing themselves non-verbally as well as a whole range of developmental skills such hand and eye coordination, fine motor skills, learning to focus on a task, pre literacy skills and so on.