Our Term So Far at BestStart Somerset!


As we reflect on this term, it’s heartwarming to see how our tamariki (children) have engaged in a variety of enriching activities, fostering both learning and a sense of community. Somerset has been bustling with creativity, exploration, and growth, and we're excited to share some highlights. 

Our Teina tamariki have been developing their fine motor skills through such activities as shape tracing. Using pencils and magnetic shapes, tamariki worked with focused attention, tracing different shapes on paper. This activity has not only supported their hand-eye coordination but also introduced them to the basics of geometry in a fun, interactive way. 

In the Tuakana room, our preschoolers have enjoyed engaging in group reading sessions. Sitting together on the mat, they’ve explored picture books, sparking their imaginations and building early literacy skills. Story time has been a favorite, with the tamariki often discussing the tales and sharing their own ideas, fostering a love for reading that we hope will last a lifetime. 

Our youngest Teina and Pepi room learners have been working together to build colourful block towers. This activity, held outside in the fresh air, has been a wonderful way for the children to practice their problem-solving skills and collaborate with their peers. The joy and sense of accomplishment they feel when the tower reaches new heights is a testament to their growing confidence and teamwork abilities. We’re incredibly proud of the progress our tamariki have made this term. 

Each day brings new opportunities for learning and growth, and we’re committed to providing a nurturing environment where every child can thrive. If you’re looking for an ECE centre where your child can explore, learn, and grow in a supportive and engaging setting, we’d love to welcome you to our whānau. Contact us today to schedule a visit and see the magic of our centre in action! Nau Mai Haere mai.