Our visit to Wharenui School


The oldest four Mako children recently embarked on an exciting visit to Wharenui School as part of the 'Set for School' program at BestStart Kilmarnock Street. This special outing served a dual purpose: to familiarize our tamariki with the school environment as they prepare to transition from preschool and to strengthen our ties with the local school community.

Upon arrival at Wharenui School, we were warmly welcomed and swiftly made our way to the new entrant class. The Mako tamariki were thrilled to reunite with some familiar faces from their past, and they eagerly joined their peers in various engaging activities. From coloring and dollhouses to books, Legos, and art and craft projects, there was no shortage of fun and educational experiences to explore. The excitement peaked with a fitness class and even a captivating science experiment!

As the class kaiako announced tidy-up time, our Mako tamariki enthusiastically pitched in, impressing everyone with their helpful and kind demeanor. After lending a hand in tidying, we gathered for a refreshing fruit snack, savoring a moment of togetherness before bidding farewell to our Wharenui School friends.

This visit marked the beginning of an ongoing partnership, as we plan to schedule regular termly visits to Wharenui School throughout the year. By nurturing these connections, we aim to foster lasting relationships and provide our tamariki with valuable opportunities for growth and learning beyond the preschool environment.