Painting time

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As soon as they see the paint and paper coming out they always race over to the table and wait patiently. During this painting experience, all the children were excited to be working together and being able to talk and laugh with one another. It looked like they were all having a blast while letting their creative side show and sharing their ideas. 

Painting is a great way for children to be creative and expressive. It gives children a chance to be able to come up with ideas and share those ideas with others. It also helps children with developing their fine motor skills as they learn how to hold the paintbrush and make marks on the paper. Having a group experience that encouraged everyone to work together also supported the children with sharing resources and acknowledging that everyone is allowed to have a turn with the paint. 

All of these skills build the foundation for learning how to write and being ready for school. Overall, the Ruaumoko room teachers enjoy being able to follow the children's interests and providing activities that bring joy and excitement.