Sensory Play

15 March, 2024
BestStart Marshland Road
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At BestStart Marshland Road nursery one of our favourite things to engage in is sensory play. Today we decided to chose some colours, kakariki and kikorangi and put them under bubble wrap.

We all gathered eagerly around and watched as the teachers role modelled how to move the paint.  We all enthusiastically pushed and squished and giggled as we watched the paint move across the wrap. We all loved listening to the sounds of the bubbles popping and trying to see if we could reach underneath to put our hands into the paint!

Through this activity it helped us to develop finger and eye muscles, hand, eye, arm and body co-ordination and to experiment with colour and texture. It also helped us to develop early pre writing skills, express ourselves, use active exploration skills and  most importantly have lots of fun with our peers and teachers.   

We also loved using this time to extend our communication skills, talking about colours and textures and building our whānaungatanga. This is the children's favourite way of exploring and as teachers we encourage and scaffold experiences in the Nursery as often as we can to encourage this learning and growth. We love to work and learn together. 

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