Set for School!

13 June, 2024
BestStart Montessori St Albans
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Set for school is a new BestStart frame work that we have been very excited to implement in our Paua - 3-5 year old classroom. This supports our Montessori philosophy in preparing our Tamariki to be the best they can be and extend their foundation skills in preparation for Primary school. 

Here in the Paua room at BestStart Montessori St Albans are group learning has focused around the Māori Principle of Mauri where were create limitless opportunities for our Tamariki to develop life long skills for their independence, at their own pace and within a prepared environment. In our classroom we have a wall display dedicated to our Set for School programme which highlights all the amazing things our Tamariki are learning as they prepare to transition to primary school. 

Our set for school programme focuses on independence skills, self care and self management skills, literacy and math skills. The children love to make independent choices in their work where they are learning to recognize their name and write this. 

They also learn to understand written symbols such as letters and numbers and how to use these in the right context. Skills such as counting, matching, shape recognition, pencil control, learning to use language skills like word building and early reading skills are all a big part of our Set for school programme so our Tamariki can feel confident to make the next big transtion to school.

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