Supporting Plunket at BestStart Hei Hei


Last week at preschool (15th-19th March) was Plunket week. We had a jam-packed week of fun and activities. We had a messy play, teddy bears picnic, cupcake making, dress up and slime the teacher. The tamariki enjoyed gunge and water play in the preschool and the nursery did finger painting. This is a great way to explore tactile experiences and develop their curiosity, imagination and exploration. The teddy bears picnic was a great social activity and you can see from the pictures the children and teachers enjoying their lunch with the teddies. Both the Nursery and Preschool had fun helping the teachers make blue cupcakes for afternoon tea.

We also had cups set up out the front with all the teachers names on them and you could vote for the teacher to be slimed at the end of the week. We raised $182 which was very impressive. Courtney our Centre Manager got the most votes and was slimed. The children loved watching and also got the opportunity to pour some slime on her. A great experience for all!

Thank you so much to all the families that donated to this great cause and help support Plunket's nationwide community services - such as migrant support groups, parenting education, injury prevention education.