Taking care of our classroom environment
Keeping a clean, orderly classroom is important in a Montessori environment. Not only do we like to have a beautiful classroom, but children get to make choices about what will make it the most beautiful. Even in the Nido room, the teachers support and guide the children so they can take part in caring for their classroom.
Last week Jenny noticed how much sand and chalk was in the garden... it was EVERYWHERE. Jenny said "Oh no, look at the sand, look at the chalk!" - Jenny then got the brush and shovel and sadly swept it all up. The children noticed how sad Jenny was and took a role upon themselves to make sure their classroom stays beautiful. They copied Jenny and started sweeping the sand and using the brush and water to wipe the chalk off the slide and trampoline.
Our children take care in helping teachers when it comes to cleaning and making sure our classroom is tidy at the end of the day. Our older children in the Nido room love being great role model for the younger children, they show them how to clean up and help the teachers.
Children want to have responsibility, they want to feel needed in their environment, whether it is at Montessori or at home. These responsibilities don’t just come at a certain age, they can be provided as soon as your child shows an interest. The teachers here at Montessori have been great models for Giacomo and he has been watching everything and now loves to help out and shares great enjoyment when he is finished. As Maria Montessori once said “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”