Children grow emotionally, intellectually, and physically through both their relationships and through their community; therefore, it was important for us to participate in the Waihi Art and Street Festival, Early Learning, and Primary School Art exhibition.
Local Kura, Kohanga Reo, and Daycares across the hapori came together to showcase "through the eyes of a child". As a collective, we decided on Te Korowai o Papatūānuku which means ‘the cloak of Mother Earth’. Throughout New Zealand restoring papatuanuku's cloak, is aligned with our localized curriculum, vision, and philosophy and is close to our hearts.
Whanau of our tamariki kindly donated resources for us to use and over a matter of weeks, our Kaiako Toni led this project with plenty of support from the rest of the team and got to work with our tamariki on creating our korowhai. Once it was ready, it was displayed in our Waihi Museum over Auckland Anniversary for the public to see.
Our art piece was judged 1ST PLACE for pre-school; nevertheless, we were simply happy to partake in a special annual event so our tamariki were over the moon to hear of the news.
Poipoia te kakano kia puawai Nurture the seed and it will blossom