The power of whanaungatanga (togetherness)


In the heart of early childhood education lies the profound importance of building strong relationships not only within the learning environment but also within the wider community. At BestStart Silverstream, we believe in the power of whanaungatanga, the deep sense of belonging and connection that comes from shared experiences and relationships. 

Recently, we hosted a Waitangi whānau evening, where whānau and kaiako came together to celebrate whanaungatanga, share kai, and strengthen our bond as a community. Food has a unique way of bringing people together, and for our whānau evening, we chose to share a classic Kiwi favourite: fish and chips. 

As everyone gathered around the cushions and blankets outside, laughter and conversation flowed freely. Sharing kai not only satisfied our physical hunger but also nourished our souls as we shared stories, experiences, and laughter with one another. Beyond the surface level interactions of drop-offs and pick-ups, the evening provided an opportunity for families and kaiako to connect on a deeper level. 

Conversations ranged from parenting tips and shared experiences to cultural traditions and aspirations for our children's future. Through these conversations, we gained a deeper understanding of each other's backgrounds, values, and perspectives, strengthening our bonds of whanaungatanga. As the evening drew to a close, the sense of warmth and connection lingered in the air, leaving us with a profound appreciation for the power of whanaungatanga and shared kai in building strong, resilient communities. 

We look forward to many more moments of connection, celebration, and shared kai in the days to come.