Toddler Time at the Library!

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Our Toddlers here at BestStart Te Aroha are enjoying their weekly visit to Toddler Time, run by our librarians at our local library! The tamariki have so much fun sitting on Lily pads and joining in a mat time where they sing new songs together, read books and dance together! The last experience before we leave is always dancing together in a sea of bubbles! 

I think this is their favorite part as there is always so much laughter and excitement while popping bubbles! While we are at Toddler Time our tamariki are learning how to socialise in new environments, turn taking, spatial awareness and looking after people and things in their community. 

Once Toddler Time is finished the tamariki are encouraged to take the Lily Pads back to the library office which they are always very excited to help our librarians out! 

We love being out and about in our community and meeting other tamariki while we are out, on the way back yesterday we stopped in and checked out our community garden where we have a plot - so our next mission is to plan what we would like to plant in here!