Tuakana-Teina Relationships

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At BestStart Silverdale, we believe in the power of Ako and the Tuakana-Teina dynamic, where children learn from one another and actively support each other. Our shared playground space and open classrooms provide a nurturing environment for these relationships to flourish, promoting kindness, care, and inclusive learning experiences. 

Throughout our centre we have observed a beautiful phenomenon: the older children's genuine desire to help and engage with their younger friends. Tuakana-Teina is a concept rooted in the Māori culture that emphasizes the value of older children (tuakana) guiding and supporting younger children (teine). It embodies the idea of mentorship and fosters positive relationships among children of different ages. 

The tuakana-teine approach recognizes that older children have unique knowledge, experiences, and skills that they can share with their younger peers. It encourages a sense of responsibility and leadership among the older children, while simultaneously fostering a sense of trust, respect, and learning in the younger ones. 

The interactions we observe on a daily basis between our pre-schoolers and their younger friends are not only heart-warming but also a testament to the values we strive to instill in our children - kindness, empathy, and a sense of responsibility. The older children eagerly seek out the toddlers and babies, offering assistance and companionship, fostering a spirit of inclusivity and support. We often see them holding hands together, engaged in activities together, or helping one another.