
18 June, 2024
BestStart Greenmeadows
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Kia ora, In the Koru room we have been celebrating Matariki.

As part of this we have been setting up learning experiences related to each of the nine stars of Matariki. This will support the children with learning and understanding more around Matariki and the meaning behind the stars. 

Today is about the star Ururangi. Ururangi is really important because it tells us about the wind and where it is going. It is the highest star in the Matariki group. So to learn about this we made kites with the children. The children started by getting creative and colouring in their kites, making it their own. Then when the wind started to pick up we attached string to the top of the kites. Once everyone had their kites ready to go it was time for them to fly. The children all followed our lovely teacher Aki outside where she was flying her kite. The children started running around after Aki laughing and smiling, having lots of fun with their kite in their hands flying them around outside.

It was great to see the children having fun while also learning and developing their working theories around Ururangi. Nga mihi Koru room kaiako

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