Visiting the elderly in our community!


Creating a sense of family connection ' whanaungatangata' this is what we strive for here at BestStart Howick. Every fortnight a group of our children visit our elderly kaumātua at the rest home or the hospital situated at Union Road in Botany - HBH Senior Living. Our aim is to visit, play, have fun and bring joy to our kaumātua living there. 

Interacting with the elderly is fantastic for tamariki's social development. Some of our tamariki have migrated to New Zealand and do not have the fortune to interact with the older generation, this is a wonderful opportunity for them. Tamariki also learn about ageing and develop an understanding and respect towards them. The elderly are entertained by the children's laughter, their chatter, hearing stories and their singing. 

This also supports our tamariki's language development, they get to practise communication and learn from a different generation. Spending time with the elderly also allows them to express emotions and build close relationships. These trips take place after extensive risk assessment plan. Teachers ensure children's safety at all times. Parents are welcome to join us as a volunteer, after they have completed our safety and risk assessment. "Bringing Communities together from the HEART!"