We made sushi for our country of the week!

13 September, 2024
BestStart Maui Street
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Every week At BestStart Maui in the preschool ruma, we focus on a new country, as part of our people, places and things group focus. This week we had the pleasure of exploring Japan! What a fun filled learning experience we had making sushi.

We had the wonderful Nao (parent) come in and teach us how to make it and tamariki thoroughly enjoyed the process! They were eager to eat kai along the way. Tamariki worked on their fine motor skills using the tongs and rolling the sushi. They enhanced their vocabulary and enjoyed sharing with Nao their knowledge about Japan from this weeks learning. 

This was a very exciting experience and we really enjoyed eating the sushi too. Tamariki showed amazing patience throughout this process and worked together to support others along the way. Hinami wore her beautiful Japanese kimono and was so helpful towards her peers as she worked alongisde her mother. 

We were so thrilled to see tamariki enjoy learning more about others cultures as we are making stronger connections with our tamariki and their whānau. Tamariki are learning so much about their peers' culture and hertiage as we continue to learn about the wider world.

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