Where do animals live?


Our tamariki have loved learning all about the different animals that we have in the world, and especially about where they live. Our kaiako have created spaces for our tamariki to learn all about animals and their habitats both inside and outside the classroom, making use of a variety of spaces and resources. 

Getting outside and experiencing natural environments, provide a huge array of benefits for our children. These first-hand experiences with nature offer endless opportunities to maximise your child’s learning and knowledge. Spending time in nature at a young age helps your child to become aware of the environment and its importance. One of the biggest benefits of nature play is that it can enhance your child’s social skills. 

Nature play is a great opportunity to play games with other children, helping them to chat and make new friends. Another major benefit of nature play is that it can help to develop motor skills. All of that running, jumping, and picking up leaves and sticks helps tamariki to enhance their coordination as they grow. Children learn best when they are active in their learning activities. 

While our tamariki are busy doing sensory activities, creating animal homes, and playing animal habitat games, they are having so much fun!