Why Is Role Play Important?


It is widely agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable. We advocate the use of role-playing for a few reasons. It’s fun and motivating, quieter students get to express themselves in a different way and children get to leave the confines of the classroom setting via imagination. We at BestStart Parkside love this method of learning and we have a variety of outdoor playground equipment designed specifically for role play.

Role play is an important part of child development as it builds confidence, creativity communication, physical development and helps with problem-solving. Along with being a fun activity, it also allows children to get into character and act out real-life roles or fictional performances. It can be purely child-led and encourages children to take risks and be creative with the role they are playing.

By investing in some themed props and equipment, it’s a fun way for little ones to learn about different professions and day-to-day situations.