When entering Beststart Flatbush you feel a sense of connection and purpose. Strong relationships with each child and parent ensures that our learners are supported at each stage of their development. Starting from the time children enrol with us, children form relationships and build confidence in early literacy and numeracy skills.
We have a close partnership with our local primary school, Ormiston Primary, in which we work together to facilitate a positive and seamless transition to primary school for your child. We provide and encourage children to develop their independence, social skills, fine motor skills, and ability to follow routines and rules through various activities and experiences.
Our experienced and qualified team of teachers work alongside families and children, identifying learning dispositions as well as parent aspirations for their child’s learning. Using the NZ early learning curriculum, Te Whaaraki, teachers plan learning experiences to grow curious discoverers and support the children’s interests. We encourage children to learn self-help skills and believe developing an awareness of the real world helps our children to be confident and competent learners in the future.
At BestStart Flat Bush, our tamariki explored the neighbourhood, learning about history and healthy eating at the local grocery store.