BestStart Northwood

BestStart Northwood is a quality early learning centre close to the suburb of Belfast. We have three fantastic classrooms catering for children of different age groups. We have our nursery for 3 month – 2 year olds, our preschool for 2 – 3.5 year olds and then our prep room for 3.5 to 6 year olds.

Where Memories Are Made

You can expect a warm welcome when you arrive, we encourage you to come on in and meet with us so you can have a look at what we have to offer.

We believe in providing children with spaces that encourage them to learn through play and planned group experiences that extend on their current interests. We utilise our surrounding community to support our curriculum by making regular excursions to the local supermarket, vegetable market, café and parks.

Our spaces are designed to be age appropriate and stimulating. Both our under two and over two outdoor play spaces are very large making them fantastic spaces for physical development and exploration.

Each of the classrooms offers a programme that supports children’s individual care and educational needs. We pride ourselves on flexibility and meeting children’s needs. Our programme also offers a range of regular experiences in music, art, group times, story times and much more.

Our Nursery:

In the nursery, we do love, laughs, and hugs.  We trust in the abilities of every single child and nurture them to develop into confident, capable learners in a fun, safe, respectful and happy environment. Our special relationships with the children and their families help each and every child form a strong sense of belonging. We go above and beyond to build trusting partnerships with our parents and whānau, valuing open and honest communication and by being approachable and available. We love celebrating all precious moments such as birthdays and milestones, and we treasure every cuddle, every giggle and every smile. We are passionate about making every child feel loved and valued.

Our Preschool:

In the preschool, memories are made by the deep relationships between teachers, children, parents, whanau and each other. Upon arrival at the centre, there's excitement on the children's faces as they start their day. They enjoy a welcome with their family and settle into their routine. Children are supported to begin to develop their independence through stages such as toilet training. This is accomplished by having clear, honest communication between teachers, children and their families. We support routines from home and align them with what is happening at preschool. We support children to achieve, using positive reinforcement which furthers trust skills, we celebrate success and encourage them to try again when not successful, allowing for positive memories of challenging times.

Our Prep School:

Our day incorporates many learning opportunities for our tamariki. We continue to value independence and encourage the children to take care of their belongings throughout the day. This is a key ability that has been identified by our local schools for our tamariki to have prior to starting school. We value our Be School Ready programme that prepares our tamariki for school by encouraging social competence, letter and number recognition and self-help independence. The environment and experiences offered in the prep-room build on each child’s confidence encouraging them to challenge themselves in many aspects while receiving positive reinforcement and praise to reach their full potential. Our prep-room at Beststart Northwood provides children with a positive, empowering caring environment where our children’s lasting memories are made.

Providing an environment that allows toddlers to challenge themselves and support their natural determination, we have plenty of activities for children to try new skills. Allowing children time to be successful in moments of sheer determination enables them to develop positive feelings towards life skills that prove a challenge. With the outdoor environment being so large and incorporating both the prep and preschools, children are given the chance to interact with the younger nursery children (over the fence) as well as the older children in the prep room.  Supporting and encouraging the relationships and well being of the children during these interactions fosters skills such as trust, friendship, acceptance and perseverance. These interactions allow for many memories to be made and cherished as each child continues their journey through BestStart Northwood.

We have a great reputation for our Be School Ready initiative in the local community and with our local schools. Our prep room teachers are knowledgeable and experienced in supporting children and parents for this exciting transition to school.

Our teachers are passionate about providing high quality care and education to all children. We like to have fun and learn and grow with our children. We pride ourselves on providing an spaces for children where memories are made.

What makes us special:

  • Our very large outdoor spaces
  • We have close relationships with our local schools
  • We use our local community for regular trips
  • Healthy and nutritious morning and afternoon teas
  • Individual learning portfolios
  • Qualified teachers
  • Ample car parking spaces

For more information about the specific fees for your centre, please contact us directly (03) 323 7875 /  northwood@best-start.orgYou might be eligible for support paying their childcare fees. For more information click here

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Quality Service Award 2023

kind words from our parents


We are happy and pleased to be at BestStart Northwood - all our girls have been here, given that we were last here over 5 years ago, it is great to see the consistency in procedures but also the commitment by the staff to nurturing all those in their care.


The whole school is so accommodating. It makes me so happy that Kara is thriving and enjoys being there.


The teachers take good care of kids. My daughter is looked after very well. She is a very happy child when she gets to daycare.


A great preschool with great teachers, great outside area.


The teachers are all amazing, they are all like one big family.


The Staff at BestStart Northwood have been amazing and go over and beyond for all our children. Special thanks to all the staff for the work put into my childs toilet training, speech, eating etc and their care and kindness; He loves all the staff, it's amazing to see the bond and trust he has, love the updates from staff, especially during our difficult month, the staff went the extra mile to make sure I knew my boys were happy, which makes life easier. Thank you.


Anzac Day in the Prep Room at BestStart Northwood

Celebrating Lunar New Year at BestStart Northwood

We acknowledged Lunar New Year 2022 by creating pieces of artwork that represent fireworks

Fluffy Fridays at New World

​The Prep room children enjoy being out in our local community - giving them the chance to meet new people and be a part of every day experiences