Beating the Winter Blues

7 June, 2024
BestStart Russell Street
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Winter has finally made its appearance, and even when we might think its better to keep our tamariki inside from the cold and showers, the benefits of outdoor play and fresh air are plentiful.

Not only do children flourish and thrive from outdoor play experiences, where they can learn a variety of skills through play that set them up for future learning as they prepare for school, things such as social skills, independence, resilience, and perseverance.

Outdoor play also allows their immune systems to grow stronger, this is through getting fresh air and engaging in active movement that keeps them fit and healthy. Research also shows that the inclusion of outdoor play in the winter months allows for children to be able to flow between fresh air from outdoors and the recycled air that is created from air-conditioning within classroom spaces. 

The benefit in this is providing ventilation, and decreasing the spread of airborne germs from illness that arise in the colder winter months. At BestStart we love to provide our children with a wide range out outdoor play, where they can explore their senses through play, learn about the nature and the living world, and have fun with others while exploring the world around them.

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