Celebrating Sea Week
We have been very busy celebrating Sea Week through lots of avenues of play such as art/crafts, stories both traditional and tamariki sharing their experiences and ideas as well as water and sensory play. We also had a lot of whanau input with sharing photos of their family at the beach discovering sea creatures, building sandcastles and being in the water, these were wonderful to share with their peers and sparked lots of dialogue and questions, extending our conversations and knowledge.
Tamariki engaged in a variety of art experiences creating sea creatures through observational painting, fine motor skills using droppers, shredded paper to create 3D creatures and much more! Through these art experiences tamariki were extending their knowledge of these sea creatures and the features of their bodies as well as being creative.
During sea week we also explored the Māori guardian of Tangaroa, guardian on the sea. We did this through reading the book ‘Tangaroa Gift’. After reading it a few times and discovering all the details of the story we brainstormed the different sea creatures involved and their features to then create a big poster to reflect our learning we gained from this story. Tamariki worked together to create different aspects of the story to add to the poster, a collaborative project.
Through our conversations, books and videos we also discovered about all the rubbish that is in the sea, this was shocking so we had a kōrero about how we could help, some friends thought of picking up any rubbish we saw at the beach, others said the wind could blow rubbish there from the park so we had better check the parks for rubbish too, what fabulous ideas!
Sea Week has been a very positive experience for us here in Prep Room we have all learnt so much, and just because Sea Week has finished doesn’t mean our learning or looking after the sea has!!